
Friday, September 29, 2023


According to FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit, serial murder is defined as “the unlawful killing two or more victims by the same offender(s) in separate events.”

I am sure there are probably pros and cons. 

--You are likely safe (especially if they consider you a true fiend).
--If they are like Lacee, you will never be out of meat (bad joke?).
--May serial killers excel at something. They may have a great mind for history or literature. So, you may get some great conversations and even debates. But beware, if the debate gets too heated -- will they kill you too?
--Since you are aware of serial killers (and likely watch documentaries), you really won't be caught off guard if you are ever taken and killed by one.
--They look like everyone else. They fit right in. No one would accuse you of rooming with a serial killer. At least, not until they were already caught.

--They will eventually get caught. Your life is tossed to bits and you may not even be able to get back in your home. While it's not officially a crime scene (unless they did kill or hide a body there), They can keep you out while investigating as well as take whatever they want.
--They brag, which leads up to the first con - they WILL be caught. It's generally not "if" - its "when."
--Serial killers are manipulative. You may be involved 9even an accessory) and not even know it.
--They look like everyone else. (Yes, this is a pro and a con.) You would never know you interviewed, and accepted, one into your home as a roommate until it was too late.
--They aren't going to truly care about your feelings. Most serial killers lack, or are able to suppress, feelings relating to pain, suffering, and fear in others. 
--They love to kill. Will you be next?

What are your thoughts? Willing to room with a serial killer?

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