
Wednesday, December 27, 2023


Image by Tumisu from Pixabay
Ye will be as skeletal as yonder pirate if ye wait around to earn yer fortune from publication in anthologies.

A bit of a misunderstanding arose when I informed members of a romance writers' forum I am a member of that there will be an opportunity for publication in the 2024 Passionate Ink anthology. I had a story published in the 2023 anthology and learned a lot from the experience. I am planning to submit a story for publication in the 2024 anthology.

I informed the members of the romance writers forum about the opportunity, stating that in order to participate, an author needs to be a member of Passionate Ink. Dues are $45 per year. I didn't state that the $45 per year membership covers several other things such as massively discounted or free workshops. I didn't state that Passionate Ink is a chapter of Romance Writers of America, because I had no idea it would be necessary to do so.

One member of the group stated that the opportunity seemed suspect because why were they expecting authors to pay to be in the anthology. This person stated the opinion that the author should be paid for their contribution to the anthology, not the other way around. Another person countered these assertions with the fact that there are publishers who organize anthologies with a buy-in, but this is not illegal. The buy-in covers costs of publication, editing, and promotion.

I countered that the anthology opportunity I mentioned is neither a scam nor a buy-in. Not every member of Passionate Ink, which is a legitimate organization, participates in the anthology. The $45 payment covers an annual membership to Passionate Ink. It is not a buy-in for publication in the annual anthology. I also clarified that proceeds from the anthology go to charity. Neither I nor any of the authors will be paid for our work, but there is clear disclosure that the anthology is for charity.

The purpose of submitting pieces for anthologies is not financial gain but rather earning hat my son refers to as social currency. Publication in an anthology is an opportunity to get your name in front of readers. Once rights revert back, you are welcome to do whatever you want to with the story.

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