
Thursday, December 28, 2023

 Part 2: Realistic vs Glamorized Portrayals of Serial Killers

In the first part of this five-part series, we explored the differences between fictionalized and real-life portrayals of serial killers. In this second part, we will delve deeper into the realistic versus glamorized portrayals of serial killers in popular media.

Realistic Portrayals of Serial Killers

Realistic portrayals of serial killers attempt to accurately depict their behavior, motives, and actions. These types of depictions often show the killer as disturbed, lacking empathy and remorse, and sometimes suffering from mental illness.

Real-life serial killers often don’t have a specific motive as depicted in fiction. The act of killing itself may be the source of their motivation, which stems from their complex inner personalities. Realistic depictions often refrain from sensationalizing the crimes or the killer’s life, opting instead to show the process of investigation and the harsh realities of their actions.

Glamorized Portrayals of Serial Killers

Glamorized portrayals of serial killers romanticize their actions and create an almost hero-like image of the killer by depicting them as suave, charismatic, and often charming. This type of portrayal generates sympathy for the killer's past traumas and often leaves out the horridness of their crimes and its impact on the victims. 

These portrayals often omit the reality of the heinous and inhumane crimes committed, leading to a skewed view on serial killing and those who perpetrate them. The glamourized depictions can lead to a fascination with the killer, creating a ‘cult following’ and making it difficult for people to associate with their victims and their families who are the actual victims.

Impact of Portrayals on Society

Glamorized portrayals of serial killers can have negative consequences on society as they influence public perception of the behavior. They can lead to a misunderstanding of the true nature of these killers and their crimes, thereby contributing to the overall problem. These depictions often generate a fascination with the killer's crimes, leading to copycat behavior and glamorizing a criminal act. 

Realistic depictions provide viewers with a better understanding of the true nature of these crimes and educate them on the possible warning signs, making it easier for them to identify and potentially prevent a similar situation.

Realistic portrayals of serial killers can help audiences understand the true nature of these crimes and educate them on the risks and warning signs. In contrast, glamorized portrayals often romanticize these killers, leading to a misunderstanding of the true nature of these crimes and their devastating impact on victims. In the next part of this series, we will explore the sociological impact of these depictions on the public.

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